This is a great time to reflect on the year so far. Christmas music playing (actually the Frozen soundtrack, go SEE IT), kids drawing winter scenes to decorate the gym or working on fun crosswords, word searches or Christmas math booklets and just enjoying the company of their fellow students.
We have worked very hard this year on becoming a tight knit group. Like a family we have little bumps along the road but they always serve as an example of what we need to work harder to keep from happening again.
The kids are very excited about their concert and do an amazing job with their songs. Looking forward to it finishing up and the 2 weeks to spend recharging and getting ready for the rest of the year. It is crazy to think we are already almost half way done. This year is flying by. It is true what they say about time flying when you are having fun.
I am continually amazed by the empathy and compassion and love that my students show for each other almost all the time. With the busyness of the holiday season the kids start to get a bit crazy and forget how much they care about each other. This week there has been more bumpy rides than smooth ones but then today a student came up with her picture of Rudolph with the caption "Never give up on dreams" It was exactly what I needed to flip the positive attitude switch.
So grateful for these amazing 8 year olds.
Learning every day together. I couldn't ask for a better job!
Merry Christmas.
The Headquarters of Mr.Gilson and The Super 3's. Come on in and see what we are up to.
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Spiderman, Flying carpets and Mathamagicians
So this week has been very busy. Christmas is in full swing and skating has begun. The kids love all the snow on the ground and have been building gigantic snow forts and even when it is minus a million want to go outside. Great math day today with the kids really showing understanding of adding two digit numbers. Lots of mathamagicians in training. We had a lot of fun yesterday looking at various cultures and their celebrations. I will post some pictures later on. Great story of the week, 2 students decided to help a boy over come his fear of skating and spent the entire day working with him on the ice and by the end he was skating in the middle with them. Very awesome. Yesterday during culture day the kids were asked to write something down they learned about other countries. One of my students said, "In India they have buildings like castles...and flying carpets!" ...So close. This morning we rocked out to the original spiderman cartoon theme song. Great way to start a morning. Have a great day :)
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Snow snow SNOW
Quick post today, had two days under feet of snow so no school. Got back and all the kids wanted to do was play outside. It is minus 30 in the wind and they still just wanted to play in snow...I don't get it. They have written me persuasive paragraphs on why I should like winter. I look forward to reading them.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
It is already December. What a crazy year it has been so far.
This has been a great year so far and a lot of fun. Here are a few pictures I hope to get a lot more up as we go forward :)
Have a great week.
Have a great week.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Something Special
I LOVE TRIBES FRIDAYS. Today we talked about Wishes, Being Special and Cooperation. Some of the wishes were very touching (one wished that my house would sell) and others were cool (wishing to be an animal or live in Florida forever). For our being special activity I asked each student to think of something that makes them special. We had a lot of fun responses. One child however claimed that nothing makes them special and without a second passing one girl shot up her hand and said, "You are my neighbour and no one else can say that" Another a few minutes later said, I have another one for him, he is a really good hockey player" The boy who was once looking very discouraged beamed with a huge smile after that compliment. There is something about kindness being put out without solicitation that really makes for a great day!
I also got to read to a student today that is not very often inclined to do so and it was so fantastic. He even told me about the book after and told others, it was awesome.
Happy Friday
I also got to read to a student today that is not very often inclined to do so and it was so fantastic. He even told me about the book after and told others, it was awesome.
Happy Friday
Monday, 25 November 2013
If today was any indication
We are going to have a fantastic week. Today was brilliant, actually let me correct myself, the students were brilliant. In math we tried a little activity to see where we were all at in addition and more specifically mental math. So many different ways to solve the problem were presented all individually unique and all correct. I had a room of 20 mathamagicians all working towards a common goal and all sharing their strategies and ideas with each other. It was a great tool to see where we needed to go next and they loved it.
In Social Studies we had a great conversation about Free the Children and Doctors without Borders. It was amazing seeing the kids talk and think among their group shocked that there are people in the world who would require these groups to improve their quality of life. We are looking at raising money for the Philippines and this was a great way to spark their desire to help. One student even told me they are donating money instead of getting tons of presents this year because they have enough stuff already. Great way to start the week. Hope yours was just as good.
In Social Studies we had a great conversation about Free the Children and Doctors without Borders. It was amazing seeing the kids talk and think among their group shocked that there are people in the world who would require these groups to improve their quality of life. We are looking at raising money for the Philippines and this was a great way to spark their desire to help. One student even told me they are donating money instead of getting tons of presents this year because they have enough stuff already. Great way to start the week. Hope yours was just as good.
Sunday, 24 November 2013
That feeling like you are sick but not actually sick
That is the response one student gave when I asked how it felt when they saw or heard a student in our class using putdowns rather than lifting each other with statements of appreciations. We discussed how putdowns break down our confidence far faster than appreciations build us and that we need to be always helping to build each other up to make the best community possible. I have an amazing group of students that are really becoming invested in the success of our little community. We shared our fears this Friday while a little puppy walked around the room trying to help one small boy with his fears. It was a huge success and so was our circle. So many fears shared from one to the next, big dogs, bullies, being alone, the dark. All things we have in common. Working to support and build each other is only one piece in the puzzle of building relationships. After our circle ended we decided we needed to show each other what we see that is good in them. Appreciations are so much harder to recognize and voice. I am not sure why that is but it is something developed in adults because these kids with there 11x17 capes taped to their backs were forming human chains of appreciations some 6 kids long writing wonderful things on each others papers. One boy who never shares and is often alone was moving towards his desk and I was worried that he would not be included. As that thought entered my mind another student shouted asking where he was and immediately ran over and started to write you are awesome on his back. In that moment I saw joy, like a light actually flipped on he grabbed his marker and joined in. By the end all the students had lists or things that others thought about them. Being cool, kind, awesome, having great hair or glasses. In that moment the bullying and putdowns were gone all that remained in that circle was positive energy and friendships. I hope to continue with this little experiment and move it beyond my classroom in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned.
Have a great week!
Have a great week!
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Indoor recess a blessing or a curse
It depends on who you ask. I have never been one to play out in the cold but unfortunately many of the students think they are invincible. Yesterday it was minus 30 with the wind and they still asked to go outside. The answer was no but we did have a dance party. Most of us had a great time. Today we shall dance again. Maybe things will start to warm up.
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Laughing until we cry Learning about ourselves
Friday was such a great day. After a less than stellar day on Thursday with a few students getting into a shoving match and another using putdowns we decided we needed a solid morning or positive interaction. We talked about putdowns and how they make us feel, how to put down the put-downs and then spent a great chunk of time laughing until we cried playing Fork and Spoon.
Most of the time I think teachers are worried that they are not covering the material fast enough. More time for "classroom" work is needed. I agree that the classroom stuff is very important. I think even more than that though we need to take the time to build friendships, create relationships and make for a better community in the classroom. Once that is established and thriving we can focus on learning more than putting out the fires caused by fighting, teasing, poor sportsmanship and all those other silly draining things.
This week we have student led conferences and report cards. We are going to continue working on time, writing, testing and discussing Quality of Life in Social Studies. We are also going to form new friendships, build stronger the ones we already enjoy and find kids in need and be that person for them. It is going to be a very exciting week!
Stay tuned!
Most of the time I think teachers are worried that they are not covering the material fast enough. More time for "classroom" work is needed. I agree that the classroom stuff is very important. I think even more than that though we need to take the time to build friendships, create relationships and make for a better community in the classroom. Once that is established and thriving we can focus on learning more than putting out the fires caused by fighting, teasing, poor sportsmanship and all those other silly draining things.
This week we have student led conferences and report cards. We are going to continue working on time, writing, testing and discussing Quality of Life in Social Studies. We are also going to form new friendships, build stronger the ones we already enjoy and find kids in need and be that person for them. It is going to be a very exciting week!
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Rehearsals... a challenge for all
Such a weird week, post Halloween and pre Remembrance day there is a ton going on at the school and still doing a lot of work in the classroom. This week we have talked time and really started to understand the concept. At the start of the week blinking was taking hours and now we know that is called sleeping... :)
Today we had rehearsals for the Remembrance Day program. First let me say the work that the music teacher and Remembrance Day committee put in to make such a great program is incredible. The gym looks great and the kids musical performances are awesome.
That being said asking 8 and 9 year olds to sit quietly to "practice" for an hour can be a challenge. In our class we have a student who faces some challenges that make just sitting and listening very difficult and they were an absolute star. So was the student that sat beside them and chatted with them through the entire presentation. Answering his questions and just being a friend. I asked this student to watch out for the other as there is a part where they have to move to another door and exit the gym. In the ensuing madness of the exit I was very worried that someone was going to get confused, frustrated or scared with all the people moving and pushing him along. I am a big guy and it was hard for me to not be lost in the shuffle. As panic set in worried about my student I looked up to see a few of my boys and one in particular making a wall to make sure that his friend was not lost, squished or left behind.
I have wondered at what point people start to worry more about themselves than others and I can say today more than ever that I am so grateful for the moments I get to experience and the lessons that I learn from the most fantastic little people that I get to work with. Thanks you parents, thank you students. This is the best job in the world.
Today we had rehearsals for the Remembrance Day program. First let me say the work that the music teacher and Remembrance Day committee put in to make such a great program is incredible. The gym looks great and the kids musical performances are awesome.
That being said asking 8 and 9 year olds to sit quietly to "practice" for an hour can be a challenge. In our class we have a student who faces some challenges that make just sitting and listening very difficult and they were an absolute star. So was the student that sat beside them and chatted with them through the entire presentation. Answering his questions and just being a friend. I asked this student to watch out for the other as there is a part where they have to move to another door and exit the gym. In the ensuing madness of the exit I was very worried that someone was going to get confused, frustrated or scared with all the people moving and pushing him along. I am a big guy and it was hard for me to not be lost in the shuffle. As panic set in worried about my student I looked up to see a few of my boys and one in particular making a wall to make sure that his friend was not lost, squished or left behind.
I have wondered at what point people start to worry more about themselves than others and I can say today more than ever that I am so grateful for the moments I get to experience and the lessons that I learn from the most fantastic little people that I get to work with. Thanks you parents, thank you students. This is the best job in the world.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Time and other concepts
We have started working on Time in Math and relating activities to the amount of time you might measure them in. It is definitely a work in progress with some feeling like it would be normal to sleep for months at a time and a year of staying in a motel but we did determine that you would not measure running around the track in years. Unless of course it was me and then we might look at hours... haha.
Talking about using our senses to assist in writing what do you think is the first thing kids think of when discussing what we might encounter on a farm?...You got it, manure! Funny to see things through the eyes of 8 year olds.
We had a rather interesting start to a discussion on the rights of children and it is going to be very fun to debate which they think is most important in determining their quality of life.
Best moment of the day was when one of the kids who is very afraid of all animals conquered his fear just a little and pet Gizmo the class Gecko. Woohoo for small victories!
Talking about using our senses to assist in writing what do you think is the first thing kids think of when discussing what we might encounter on a farm?...You got it, manure! Funny to see things through the eyes of 8 year olds.
We had a rather interesting start to a discussion on the rights of children and it is going to be very fun to debate which they think is most important in determining their quality of life.
Best moment of the day was when one of the kids who is very afraid of all animals conquered his fear just a little and pet Gizmo the class Gecko. Woohoo for small victories!
Monday, 4 November 2013
Did you know Glitter can also be referred to as rain?
First day back after Halloween and we had a great day. Finished the reading assessments, talked time and did some fantastic artwork for the Remembrance Day ceremony. One student and I worked together and as we were doing a great job he decided to take it up a notch we needed to add the always controversial (for custodial staff) GLITTER. So I broke out the glitter and the results were amazing. At one point while we were getting ready for recess he turned to me and said, "Can I cover your head in glitter?" My response was a record fast of course not and as he turned away he said, "Oh, It is going to happen."
We ended the day with friendship keepers which is such a fantastic way to end a day. Many students shared statements of appreciation for things their classmates had done for them. One student thanked another for being the funniest person they knew. Another was thanked for working quietly today. Another was thanked for the awesome tire swing pusher they were. Perfect end to a fun day.
We ended the day with friendship keepers which is such a fantastic way to end a day. Many students shared statements of appreciation for things their classmates had done for them. One student thanked another for being the funniest person they knew. Another was thanked for working quietly today. Another was thanked for the awesome tire swing pusher they were. Perfect end to a fun day.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Unconditional :)
The last few days have been amazing and I realized the need to start writing down some of the things that are going on in the classroom. As a student I knew that some days would be harder than others. The rewards far outweigh the challenges but there are challenges. Struggling students academically or behaviourally, bad weather, computers not working properly, all these things can really give you a run for your money.
This year I wanted to try something different. Focus more on the community of my classroom and build out. Extended kindness to each other. That is the hard part for everyone. Unconditional kindness and understanding. We are all in a different position kids included. This week the efforts we have been taking in class have started to show results. We discussed quality of life in Social Studies and all realized that everyone is in different places and some struggle with a place to live or good food to eat or even a family that loves them and that we can help in those situations.
A few great things happened this week already that proved we are on the right track. First the Kindergarten "stole" one of our fancy reading chairs (they didn't really steal it but the kids felt that way). They needed it because the chair has a convertible hood that kids can use to just block out everything and read. In my class we have a schedule that is posted. Some kids were really bothered by the fact they were losing their turn because the chair was taken. We had this discussion about needs and explained why the chair was gone and while they did not like that they lost out they immediately saw that the needs of the kindergarten child and how the chair may help them learn better were at a far greater level of importance than their "wants".
Excellent moment 2 came when a student asked if he could spend his daily 5 time reading and visiting with a child with struggles in my classroom. The joy they both shared reading and talking about Sharks was incredible. A student that is happy to isolate themselves and do their own thing was so engaged with this other student it was amazing.
Today a student was upset and unable to express what caused it. When other students noticed this their reaction was not one of mocking or teasing but of genuine concern, unconditional kindness. One said Mr,. Gilson it makes me sad and my eyes water when I see them upset. I will say I might have had my "eyes water" a bit after.
I love teaching, I am infinitely grateful for the students that I get to work with this year and their parents that have helped to instil this unconditional kindness that will surely help to build a fantastic community of learners this year in Grade 3.
I will try to update more :)
Monday, 30 September 2013
So umm there goes September
I am really sorry I have not updated the blog at all yet things have been so busy but I plan to make a renewed effort to get information out about what is happening through the blog. Stay tuned :)
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
See you in a week!
Summer is coming to a close and I am getting so excited to get back to work!
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Funny how time flies when you are having fun.
Summer is nearing an end. In 2 weeks the kids will be back in the classroom and getting back into the learning routine. I hope they have had the chance to recharge like i have. It has been a fantastic summer full of fun times with friends and family. Bring on the school year :)
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Summer is Super
I love the summer, it is a great chance to reboot and refresh. I have been looking a lot at different ways to approach things for next year and getting excited. I miss this years kids already and hope they are all having an amazing summer. Keep up with the Summer Journal project if you would like. :)
Monday, 24 June 2013
First Day with the new recruits :)
Awesome group, tons of fun and we even watched a video of Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks riding elevators. :) Have a great summer.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Blink and you missed it
Another year is gone. Time seems to fly so quickly. Looking at the bare walls and empty desks I focus on all the fantastic things we did this year. Trips to the museum, pool, butterfly releases, mountain hikes, all wonderful things. I feel however what I will remember the most fondly are the moments when you see a student "get it". One of our first math lessons one student displayed this number sense that was beyond his years and in that moment he became our first of many Mathamagicians. Another student struggling with numbers all year and finally with the help of the most fantastic aid a teacher could ask for developed his own strategy and was solving problems he never even would dare attempt without his new found confidence. That day he declared himself the "SMARTEST KID IN THE CLASS!" Where other times kids would have to help him in partnerships he was teaching them "his way" and the pride he had in his own work was amazing. Another student putting on her glasses that were purchased at the drug store so she could be like her friends with glasses and discovering it was all she needed to become a confident reader. These memories will stay with teachers a lot longer than the field trips and play days. I look forward to another year, another journey, with another group of amazing talented unique little people. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to be a part of their adventures. Thanks for reading.
Check out the Super Summer Journal Project and a few words from this years grade 3's if you have a moment.
Have a great summer,
Mr.G and the Super 3's
Check out the Super Summer Journal Project and a few words from this years grade 3's if you have a moment.
Have a great summer,
Mr.G and the Super 3's
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Butterflies, Poetry and a Nice Surprise
Dusting of the web page since it has been a while. These last few months have been go go go. I am so excited to be teaching grade 3 next year and looking back at the year I could not have asked for a more fun, interesting and talented group of kids to work with. We have written stories, built towers, examined fossilized dinosaur poo, learned to multiply and divide, ran a functioning government and built 3d maps along with a million other things that helped add to an excellent year.
These last few weeks we have been working on poetry and created an anthology of our work. Today the students hosted a poetry cafe complete with snacks and a very large audience. The phrase "if you build it they will come" came to mind. Before recess was over the first of many awesome supportive parents showed up to listen to their 8 and 9 year olds recite their original poems complete with farting frogs, swearing Santas and an uncle that apparently sings and dances to "I'm sexy and I know it". Fantastic imagery was created with lines detailing the colours they see in their garden or of the bright yellows of the grand star in Super Mario Galaxy. We were informed about Ants and Peru and made hungry by the many mentions of candy and chocolate. The most amazing part of the day however came with the most shy student walking up to the microphone and clearly and proudly reading out her wonderful poetry in front of a large audience. Prior to our poetry cafe the students took a walk with a large collection of hand raised butterflies to a teachers flower filled yard and released them as part of our life cycles unit. As I write this I cannot help but think of the journey the kids have been on this year. The growth that has occurred and will continue to occur with these kids has been extraordinary. Our little caterpillars and their change into beautiful butterflies, as corny as it sounds, was such a fitting activity as we come to the end of the year. I am so proud of the work that they have done. Below are a few pictures I took today. Thanks for reading.
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Daisy :) |
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Just having left the butterfly enclosure this guy needed a drink |
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One of almost 30 hand raised butterflies |
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Mrs.Dallas helping one of the little guys get the courage to fly |
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Almost there |
Friday, 24 May 2013
Closing in on the last month of school
It has been an amazing year with tons of adventures. We are currently studying life cycles and organisms and having a blast collecting critters and talking about their life cycle. Today we had spiders, maggots, ants and worms in the class and discussed the EVIL Nightcrawlers that have ruined my yard. We have started a poetry unit working towards a poetry Cafe recital. A few pictures of what we have been up to are below.
Thanks for stopping by.
After talking about "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" this is what I get for bug perspective art :) |
I love Frogs |
Haha |
Nothing better than Mario Mushroom Patterns in an assessment |
Excellent looking notes. I am very proud :) |
Monday, 29 April 2013
A funny thing happened while reading and I wanted to share it
As a teacher I have the great privilege of working everyday with the funniest, brightest, hardest working little human beings. Some days we need a laugh break. In the past week I have had 2 very good opportunities for a laugh. The first came as a student was giving feedback for a story she read. She told me she would rank the story as a beginner story, when I asked why she said "OK it is about a King...and he is POOR. That makes no sense, Kings can't be Kings if they are poor" I could not help but to laugh. The next day though I would laugh so hard tears may have come to my eyes. While reading in a Guided Reading group another student asked to use my iPad to take an Accelerated Reading Quiz. I asked one of my students to move over so the girl could sit in the corner where my iPad was. The boy looked at me and as I was about to repeat myself said, "No one puts Baby in the corner" You can't make this stuff up. As I laughed he looked at me and asked if I had seen that movie. It was very funny. Moments like these do not come from any other job. I am grateful everyday :)
Friday, 12 April 2013
Long time no see :) Busy Busy Busy and Loving it!
Really sorry to the five followers we have for not updating more often :) We have been working very hard on story writing making great strides towards our end goals. We have all progressed in reading this year and daily Mathamagicians are developing. It has been a great year so far and now in the final stretch we continue to do some fun things.
As a school we have taken on the goal of collecting some items that will be brought to schools in Thailand and Cambodia. Students will be collecting things like Skipping Ropes, Frisbees and water toys that will be heading over with a great organization called "Play around the World" we are very excited to help. In grade 3 we discuss the the rights of the child and how children have rights that should be guaranteed. One of those rights is the right to play. The kids have made some great posters to illustrate this right.
In working towards developing some visualization and inference skills we read a very fun book called I NEED MY MONSTER without seeing the pictures students had to visualize based on the descriptions what each monster looked like. It was a ton of fun and they did a great job :) Take a look.
Love this job. Teaching is the best thing out there is you can be lucky enough to have such great students. Thanks for checking in.
Mr.G and the SUPER 3's
As a school we have taken on the goal of collecting some items that will be brought to schools in Thailand and Cambodia. Students will be collecting things like Skipping Ropes, Frisbees and water toys that will be heading over with a great organization called "Play around the World" we are very excited to help. In grade 3 we discuss the the rights of the child and how children have rights that should be guaranteed. One of those rights is the right to play. The kids have made some great posters to illustrate this right.
Hard at work |
Love the eyes LOL |
Perfect |
Great finished product |
Creepy |
Creative bulletin board with over 100 monsters :) |
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Would the real Gabe |
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Please |
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Stand up |
Great Book! |
Love this job. Teaching is the best thing out there is you can be lucky enough to have such great students. Thanks for checking in.
Mr.G and the SUPER 3's
Thursday, 21 March 2013
We have had a lot of fun lately :)
Very busy working on tons of things in grade 3. We have been turning out some really great writing, dominating the fractions unit, learning about countries all over the world and creating fantastic music. Take a look at some of the great stuff we have been doing.
Well there is a bit of what we have been doing. Hopefully we don't have such a long wait next time :)
Some 3d-maps |
The Taj Mahal (pretty good :) ) |
India seems to be the most popular |
That is one big elephant |
Oasis anyone |
This band named themselves "The Funnies" |
Drum made from scratch :) |
Cup+ Water+ Balloon= WICKED BASS |
Genius instrument that created sound when magnets crashed against each other |
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