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Tuesday 18 December 2012

The no treats challenge

One thing my kids know about me is I love candy haha. So when the rest of my team decided to take up the 21 day challenge with a few alterations mainly just focusing on cutting out candy and chocolate. Now normally I would not have been able to last but I made the very smart call about telling my children about the challenge. Everyday they ask me if I cheated yet. The answer has been no and today was day 18 to which the kids gave a round of applause. Some are quick to point out that eating bread is eating sugar because there is lots of sugar in bread but like I said we made alterations haha.

We had a great day in math and language arts today and are gearing down with 3 days to go before the end of the year. Hopefully we get in a little story writing in the next few days but with the Christmas concert and holiday festivities time is running short.

Today I had kids challenge themselves to a drinking contest (chugging water) I heard about it after the fact but they did draw a comic to illustrate it. I found out what man club is (a group of boys that play on the slide haha) and had my little army of kids for supervision which I enjoy because it gives me a chance to get to know the kids better.

Last day of skating tomorrow, concert on Thursday.

Merry Christmas!


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